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What type of interaction is permitted with my volunteer guide?

The volunteer guides do not fulfill the functions of settlement officers. Your settlement officer remains your reference point for all that concerns your setting up in Canada.


The volunteer guides are available on an as needed basis; their role is limited to offering complimentary support and allowing you to create links within Canada before your arrival.


Your volunteer guide will refer you to your settlement officer to resolve any problems you may encounter when setting up in Canada. A volunteer guide is not required to meet with you in person, or to provide you with temporary accommodation on your arrival in Canada.


We acknowledge the financial support of the government of Canada and that of the province of British Columbia.

  1. Immigration, Réfugiés et Citoyenneté Canada
  2. Bienvenue en C.-B.
  3. La C.-B. J'en fais partie
  4. FFCB
  1. Le Relais Francophone de la Colombie-Britannique