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BC francophone immigration program (BCFIP)
Who are the settlement officers of the BCFIP/Gate West, and how can they help me?

Our settlement officers are competent professionals who specially trained to help future and new arrivals in setting up and establishing themselves in Canada, whether they have already immigrated to Canada or are still in their native country.


Our settlement officers help future and newly arrived native French speakers who settle in British Columbia, as well as those in other areas of Western Canada, including Alberta, Saskatchewan, Manitoba, Yukon and the Northwest Territories.


Whether helping you enroll your children at school, take English classes or integrate into Canadian life, our settlement officers provide an essential resource to support you with your immigration and to help you integrate successfully into Canada.


Our settlement officers can:

  • Evaluate your needs
  • Advise you about all aspects of getting settled in Western Canada
  • Refer you to appropriate resources as needed
  • Prepare you for your trip
  • Show you what you need to know and what you need to do in order to get properly settled in Canada
  • Support you in your search for employment
  • Put you in touch with employers looking for candidates who are French speaking or bilingual
  • Match you up with members of the community
  • Guide you


If you qualify for the pre-arrival services, you can communicate with our settlement officers and employment specialists by telephone, email or secure videoconference. To access these remote services, please log on to our website.

We acknowledge the financial support of the government of Canada and that of the province of British Columbia.

  1. Immigration, Réfugiés et Citoyenneté Canada
  2. Bienvenue en C.-B.
  3. La C.-B. J'en fais partie
  4. FFCB
  1. Le Relais Francophone de la Colombie-Britannique