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Pre-arrival services
Can you help me find employment in Canada?
Yes. We offer a range of services to support you in finding a job in Canada, including:
  • Help finding employment
  • Proofreading of your resumé
  • Networking with employers
  • Adapting to the Canadian employment market
  • Recognition of your experience
  • Professional reorientation
Connect now to the web platform to chat or discuss options via secure videoconference with our employment specialists.

We acknowledge the financial support of the government of Canada and that of the province of British Columbia.

  1. Immigration, Réfugiés et Citoyenneté Canada
  2. Bienvenue en C.-B.
  3. La C.-B. J'en fais partie
  4. FFCB
  1. Le Relais Francophone de la Colombie-Britannique