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Pre-arrival services
What are pre-arrival services?

Pre-arrival services are a range of services offered to people:

  • Who have been chosen for permanent residence in Canada
  • Who have not yet immigrated to Canada


Gate West offers remote services to help future arrivals prepare for their new life in Canada.

Our services include:

  • Access to information guides and videos to learn more about life in Canada
  • Online orientation sessions (webinars) – available soon
  • Individual consultations with a settlement officer via email, telephone or secure videoconference

We acknowledge the financial support of the government of Canada and that of the province of British Columbia.

  1. Immigration, Réfugiés et Citoyenneté Canada
  2. Bienvenue en C.-B.
  3. La C.-B. J'en fais partie
  4. FFCB
  1. Le Relais Francophone de la Colombie-Britannique